Truly Southern Sweet Potato Pie

The oh so challenging sweet potato pie. Where do I even start. I have been perfecting this pie for months now. Since last fall actually. The work finally paid off. Now for you who aren’t from the south and swear by pumpkin pie, this is far from it behbay.

The Crust: This ain’t no flaky crispy tasteless pie crust. No, this is “tea cake” crust. Tea cakes are succulent, buttery, sweet, soft, chewy deliciousness. A cross between a cookie and a cake. Lightly spiced with a pleasant aroma of nutmeg. Not too sweet and always chewy, never crunchy or flaky. Mmmm, I could go on and on and on about this magicness. But you see, the tea cake is baked for only about 15-20 minutes, so the hour at 350 for the sweet potato pie is quite a challenge. My “Mudda” (grandma) made this and never used a written recipe. Never used true measuring cups, and even though I wathched her time after time, this was the hardest creation to master and nobody in the family has the original recipe. Hot Sally, I have gotten pretty close with this one.

The Pie: Buttery, but not really, sweet but not sickenly, textured and not too smooth, save that sieve and mill for Martha Stewart behbay because this is a by-hand mix. Don’t even think about bringing out a “can of yams” or “can of sweet potato puree”. Not too overy spiced, as the sweet potato should star. And all you midwesterners and everybody else don’t you dare put a “pumpkin pie spice” or “apple pie spice” in this here pie.


Yes. That is the magicness that is the Truly Southern Sweet Potato Pie. Sorry there were no step by step pictures, but when I make it again, I promise I’ll make it up to you.

Crust Ingredients:

(Yields 1 1/2 pie crusts–enough for one deep dish pie and some flair)

1 1/2c flour (plus more for dusting)

6 T butter flavored shortening (CRISCO–don’t even think about a substitute. Embrace the trans fat) cut in small chunks

6 T sugar

1 1/2 t baking powder

1/8 t salt

1/4 t nutmeg

1/4 t cinnamon

2 t vanilla extract (don’t you dare use imitation)

2 lightly beaten eggs

In a large bowl add in the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Using a pastry blender, fork, or hand mixer with dough hooks (NOT beaters) cut in the crisco until it looks like crumble or struesel. Make a well in the center and add in the lightly beaten eggs. Use the dough hooks (or fork) and blend it until it comes together. Sprinkle the counter with flour and knead that sucker a few times. Wrap in plastic wrap and throw in the fridge to relax the gluten while you make the pie filling.

Filling Ingredients:

2 lbs sweet potatoes (or 2 large – or 2 cups) cooked and cubed

2 T butter

1/2 c white sugar

1/2 c brown sugar

2 T molasses

1 T vanilla extract

6 oz. evaporated milk

Salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg

3 eggs lightly beaten

In a large bowl, take the cooked cubed sweet potatoes and go to town with a potato masher. I mean mash ’em like you mad at somebody. Leave some chunks. (NOTE: Cook the potatoes however you want, whichever method is most convenient for you. I prefer not to boil them however, loses too much flavor and nutrients. HA! Nutrients in a sweet potato pie!) Typically, I just dice em into 1 to 1.5 inch chunks, add a teaspoon of water, throw em in a bowl, cover and nuke em 10-20 minutes until soft.  Drain the water then add in the butter, sugars, molasses, vanilla, salt, and evaporated milk. Using a wire wisk, mix the ingredients together. Taste and add more salt and spices to your taste. This is the point where you just gotta get in there and make it work baby. After you taste it and it makes you wanna slap somebody, add in the eggs and slowly whisk until combined.

Take the pie crust out the fridge and smack it out on a floured counter. Knead it a bit then roll it out. Not too thin, not too thick–remember it’s got a lil’ baking powder in it. After you get it how you want it. Try to roll in on the pin and lay it in the pie pan. It won’t work. So take your hands and ball it all up again. Dust with some flour. Knead a bit then re-roll it out. That should do it. Lay it out in a deep dish pan and trim the edges. If you’re fancy like me, add some flair–whatever you want. Just KNOW, the flair is not on the traditional pie and you shole won’t find no potato pies in NOLA with flair on ’em. That’s just how I felt that day. Throw it in a preheated 350 degree oven for 55-60 minutes and watch it. When it’s done it should be firm all around to touch. The middle may not be perfectly firm, but remember not to burn that crust. It’s as much the dessert as the pie is.

Look at that shiny goodness fresh out the oven. Amen–as I assume the Tebow.


AND…with this health kick I’m on, you’d be surprised that it’s not THAT bad for you! Popped in the recipe into MyFitnessPal. For a hunk (1/12) below is the lineup! Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it Emeril.


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